So there is water dripping from your ceiling.
You know something’s wrong with the roof.
“Surely, it’ll be a hard one to diagnose”.
So you call a roofer.
Hopefully we’re on your speed dial.
Over the years we’ve seen hundreds of leaks, and some can be quite a challenge to pinpoint.
Others are just obvious.
All homes have common sources of leaks.
- Improper flashing, flashing that has pulled away or has degraded
- Cracked/missing/failed caulking
- Missing and failed shingles
- Faulty workmanship
- And, believe it or not, sometimes just bad roof design (we’ll talk about that one in more detail some other time
On older homes, chimneys can be problematic and a source of water infiltration, as well as failed brick and mortar.
Quite often, what may look like a roof leak, is actually a leaking skylight, or failed caulking around a window.
We’ve seen this quite often actually.
Most of the time, the windows need some attention, and not the roof.
Sometimes, the problem stares you in the face.
A fine example of forced entry into the warmth, security, and solitude that is the attic.
Can you think of a better place to have your offspring?

Call (250) 808-6297 for a free roof inspection from the best Kelowna roofer in the city.